
Our Santa Rosa Commercial Builders Explain Title 24

In building a property it’s critical that you consider the latest building codes in place within your region. One of the newest additions in California is Title 24, which states that light fixtures in all commercial construction work must consume less energy than previous projects. Buildings must also be adapted to automation technology, so lights automatically dim when sunlight is coming through the windows. These are just a few of the elements encompassed within Title 24 and in this post, our Santa Rosa commercial builders explain the impact of these elements on the building process.

Increased costs impacting commercial clients

One of the foremost elements to take into consideration is the increased costs impacting commercial clients looking to build on their current property. Because of Title 24, the cost of tenant improvements in commercial properties has increased by as much as $12 per square foot for remodeling work and $6 per square foot for new construction. This means that if you have a 20,000 square foot property, you will need to spend $300,000 to $600,000 in addition to what you’re already spending on your renovation work.

Reduced lighting costs

In the years to come, companies will be spending less on their energy than they had been previously. They will save thousands of dollars on their energy costs because of Title 24. These savings should be carefully considered, in addition to the costs, when evaluating the benefits of upgrading property with local Santa Rosa commercial builders.

Don’t go at it alone with Title 24

One of the most common mistakes businesses are now making when upgrading is trying to take on the process of meeting the provisions of Title 24 alone. This can mean that they spend thousands on upgrades on to fail in meeting the standards required. Our team at Holly & Associates has decades of experience in the construction marketplace. We understand each of the changes made to Title 24 and can help you make the right choices throughout your projects.

To learn more about our company and the full range of services we offer as leading local Santa Rosa commercial builders, please call us today.