
Need to Expand Your Private School? Here’s How to Go About It

School Construction Companies in Sonoma County

Every private school owner wants to increase student enrolment at their school. But when enrolment numbers go up, many private schools find that classrooms and hallways quickly become overwhelmed by the sudden influx of students.

School’s struggle to decide whether they should modify their existing infrastructure or hire a school construction company to build new spaces to cater to students’ needs. The challenge of new building projects is compounded by the fact that increased enrolment does not always mean increased financial resources.

Here are some ways private school owners facing this uphill challenge can expand their private schools expediently and cost-effectively.

Use Existing Space to Meet New Needs 

If you need more space in your school, think of ways to use available space to the fullest extent. Reimagine underutilized spaces and make necessary adjustments to meet your evolving needs.

For example, you can tweak the design of a multi-purpose area by erecting a few walls to create multiple new classrooms. Or, you can install moveable partitions in your gymnasium to allow for multiple uses and adjustments.

A reliable school construction company in Sonoma County can help you achieve the objective. Experienced construction professionals take the time to understand their clients’ short-term and long-term needs. They help their clients make informed decisions and judiciously allocate resources, minimizing waste and maximizing ROI.

Consider Your Long-term Needs 

Given the fact that learning technologies are ever-evolving, private school owners should realize the importance of creating future-ready classrooms.

If you decide to create a new space, determine how easily it will allow the integration of new learning technologies in the future.

Ideally, your new space should allow you to integrate new technology into it with just a few minor tweaks to the original design. Design the space to allow you to improve Wi-Fi access in each room and add outlets and device charging ports should the need arise.

Incorporate design elements that prevent the spread of illnesses. Some examples include easily cleanable surfaces, multiple sanitizing stations, antimicrobial finishes, and automatic doors and lights that are touchless to help prevent cross-contamination.

Prioritize Tasks 

It is easy to get overwhelmed when you witness a sharp rise in student enrolment and need to ramp up your infrastructure immediately. The best way to approach the situation is to prioritize the tasks at hand.

If, for example, you want to build extra classrooms, a recreation area, and a fitness facility, consider splitting the project into different phases. Build the most important area in the first phase.

Suppose you want to ramp up your infrastructure immediately but need time to collect funds. In that case, this approach can help you address your most pressing needs immediately, ensuring optimum utilization of resources.

Holly Construction is a leading school construction company in Sonoma County. We use our decades of experience and understanding of construction projects to help transform client’s visions into reality. To make an appointment with a pro, call (707) 541-0700.