
Choosing a Timeless Design for Your Custom-Built Home

With change ever-present in the world around us, design trends are evolving with every passing day. It is a real challenge to design something that is timeless, and won’t look outdated within a few years of its construction.

A passionate and innovative approach that addresses function yet incorporates beauty, elegance, and sustainability, a custom home is one that reflects your unique personality and style preferences evidently. They are highly personalized, and cater only to the requirements and likes of the client who are also the end-users.

To go ahead and design your custom-built home, the first step would be to shortlist custom home builders in Sonoma Country, who will take your dream home and turn it into a reality.

Few tips to design your custom-built home are:

1. Focus on Your Likes: Your likes and dislikes are the main priority when it comes to designing and customizing your home. It is wise to be upfront about all the features that are most desired and cannot be overlooked.

2. Look at Surroundings to Gain Inspiration: Take inspiration from the existing buildings around you, so that you are sure about your ideas not being risky. Do a comparative analysis of designs, colors, and styles of homes to have a clear idea. This aspect is also important so that you fit in with your surroundings rather than being the odd one out.

3. Plan Your Layout First: The interior can be upgraded and changed over the course of time. The layout is most important aspect of customizing a house to have finalized since major changes to the layout cannot be made post-construction. The functional aspect needs to be addressed very clearly, as the utility and practical usage play a huge role.

4. Keep the Future in Mind during Construction: Try to select a design and layout that you will enjoy for many years to come.

5. Never Compromise on Quality: Quality includes the degree of utility and the design aspect. It involves using superior materials and customer home builders in Santa Rosa can help guide you in achieving this.

6. Avoid Implementing All the Latest Trends in One Design: This might just make the house look fancy, but things like the color scheme, large appliances, and flooring are a pain when it comes to changing them often. The best option would be to choose elegant design themes that never go out of trend too soon. Simple and sophisticated themes do well in the long run.

7. Using Natural Materials: This adds to take your custom design to the next level. Natural wood, stone, and brick give a sense of timelessness, and add a classical tinge to the design.

For more information on custom-built home designing, and help on building your dream home, contact Holly Construction, Inc. at 707-541-0700. Our team of experts are ready to help make your dream home a reality.