
Building Your Custom Home? Here Are 4 Tips To Create The Perfect Home Office

Custom Home Building Near Napa

Work from home is the new normal. Many employees report being more productive and feeling less stressed while working from home. No wonder companies today are more willing than ever to hire remote workers.

Remote workers should create a dedicated workspace devoid of distractions that allows them to focus on their tasks at hand. If you work remotely and are building your custom home, here are some ways to create a conducive home office.

Consider a Built-in Desk

There are several benefits of built-in desks. They help maximize tight spaces. A built-in desk tailor-made for you can help maintain good posture.

Consider building a desk directly into your wall to suit your height. Use sturdy cabinets, shelves and cubbies to store your office supplies. This will help you keep your workplace organized. Pick a color to complement your home’s theme.

Soundproof Your Office

With screaming toddlers or howling pets around, it can get very difficult to focus on tasks. When building your custom home, come up with a plan to soundproof your office to minimize auditory distraction.

Use thick sound-absorptive products for construction. Build two rows of studs or a single staggered row of studs. Place sound clips or channels between the studs and drywall to provide an additional barrier for sound.

Use a ceiling cloud that eliminates echoes and absorbs noises. Alternatively, build your office in an area away from your rooms-for example, in your backyard.

Consider Lighting

When creating your home office, do not forget lighting ergonomics. Lighting in your office can affect well-being and, as a result, your productivity. 85% of all information that our brain receives is mediated through our eyes. Appropriate lighting in your office can help prevent glares and shadows that can cause eye fatigue and headaches.

To brighten up your office, install wall lights or bar pendant lights.  Incorporate larger, overhead lights into your office design. You can also use small, built-in desk style wall fixtures.

To bring more natural light into your home office, build larger windows and doors. Add a skylight to your office. Install a wooden, stone or ceramic floor with a polished finish. Use light shades to paint your wall.

Consider Building a Pocket Office

A pocket office is a compact version of a traditional home office. Space is at a premium. As cities shrink, pocket offices are becoming increasingly popular. A pocket office can help avoid distractions and boost productivity.

A pocket office can be installed in cutouts along the walls. If possible, use an area close to your window so you can reap the benefits of natural light.

Need help on your custom home building project near you in Napa? Holly Construction has got you covered. Our pros have extensive experience managing complex design-build projects from start to finish. To make an appointment with one of them, call (707) 541-0700.