
A Modern Approach to Winery Design

If you wish to be a proud owner of a winery, you should consult one of the leading commercial construction companies in Sonoma County. Wineries have always been under the spotlight. Connoisseurs live with a desire to roam around vines on a pleasant day, getting seduced by wine aromas.

If you are one of those special people with extraordinary desires, designing the perfect winery should be the most enjoyable experience you shall ever have. And once you have a winery, you can enjoy the rest of your life savoring the surroundings of your winery and vineyard.

An Experience That Your Buyers Love

Gone are the days when wineries are treated solely as wine production grounds or warehouses. If you are more than just a wine lover, and have a desire to monetize your passion, you must ensure that you put enough attention towards the overall experience of wine tasting.

The environment of your winery should replicate the very experience you would have loved to cherish yourself. You have to agree that wine is more than just a traditional beverage, be it an alcoholic or a non-alcoholic one.

The Legend of Wine and Wineries

Public wine-tasting tours have become an internal part of any country’s tourism if it has some exquisite wineries. If designing a contemporary winery, there are more traditional concepts to be ditched to make way for modern thinking. Why is there so much discussion about the role of modern wineries in the extinction of the traditional practices implemented inside the wineries? In primitive times, through even the last century, wineries were all about the production of this heavenly drink, and filling up barrels of wood, and storing them in multiple bunks.

These barrels are again unveiled after spending years inside their respective containers. This time-frame might differ anywhere between 5 years and 100 years. The older this beverage gets, the costlier it becomes! But today, a winery is more than that.

Show Them What You Got

In modern wineries, production and ripening of the wine although is the primary objective, often these wineries wish to build a brand by allowing wine lovers to taste the essence of input that the winemakers put into the process for years. This is particularly a worthwhile experience.

If you wish to offer this experience to your potential customers, your approach towards winery design should focus on delivering the ultimate display characteristics. Showcase the most exquisite collections you have; allowing the visitors to have a sneak peek.

Maintaining Supreme Wine Quality

Ensure enough lights get into your winery space, and make sure the property has enough ventilation. You probably understand the importance of wine-smelling activities. With appropriate ventilation measures, you can ensure the safety of the workers.

You probably know how toxic gas produced by fermenting wine might accelerate fumes. Also, make sure that the amount of light you let enter into the winemaking scene doesn’t exceed in volume, as extra light can degrade the wine quality.

Is designing a winery in your mind? Searching for construction companies in Sonoma County? We, at Holly Construction, Inc., can assist you in the best possible way. Call us at 707-541-0700.