
Learn about Smart Home Technology from Our Residential Home Builders in Sonoma County

Custom Builders in Sonoma County

Smart technology is now changing the lives of homeowners across the country. As the leading residential home builders in Sonoma County, we work with smart systems in our building work to provide clients that ideal home living experience. In this new post, we’ll present an overview of the leading smart systems for your home.

Smart lighting

To save on energy and electricity, smart lighting can help to transform how you use the lights around the home. You can now program your light switches to turn on at specific points throughout the day, allowing you to maintain complete control over the level of light in the home. You can also use mobile systems to control lighting in the home remotely.

Smart thermostats

One of the leading reasons clients turn to our residential home builders in Sonoma County is because we focus on creating the ultimate levels of comfort in building a home. This is expanded upon by our work with smart thermostats. Smart thermostats can monitor conditions inside and outside the home and provide the ideal temperature for optimal home comfort. The latest products are designed to learn from your behaviors and to adapt their settings based on how you prefer your home environment.

Smart security cameras

Planning for a vacation is now less of a stressful experience for those with smart security cameras. You can now place smart cameras inside and outside the home to allow for remote monitoring of the property via smartphone. At the touch-of-a-button, you can see the real-time conditions in the home, and you can receive alerts when a new event takes place at the property. It’s the ultimate addition for a secure family home.

Automated appliances

From fridges that track the expiration date of foods and alert you to potential issues, to laundry machines that automatically begin washing cycles according to set schedules, appliances around the home can be automated for your comfort and convenience.

Holly & Associates

To learn more about how smart technology is changing the way we live, turn to our local residential home builders in Sonoma County for guidance. Call today for a consultation.

  • Posted On September 22, 2018